Celebrate Earth Day 2020!

2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Here are 50 ways to celebrate!

  1. Pledge to do your part to conserve water, energy, and to keep the air clean.

  2. Adopt a highway.

  3. Adopt a park.

  4. Begin building a team now to participate in the Annual Lion Pride Fall Sweep, our fall clean up event.

  5. Keep our public trails and green spaces clean. Don’t litter.

  6. Do a weekly litter clean-up in your neighborhood. We will provide you with free supplies!

  7. Tarp your load so loose trash cannot fly out of the bed of your truck.

  8. If you smoke, keep roadsides clean by investing in a portable ashtray.

  9. Use cloth towels in the kitchen and around the house.

  10. Use a traditional coffee machine to make your morning brew.

  11. Compost used coffee grounds to enrich the soil in your garden.

  12. Ditch the single use coffee cups. Invest in a reusable coffee mug for the office.

  13. Decline the straw and plastic ware when you order to-go.

  14. Keep a set of cutlery at the office to use at lunch.

  15. Get yourself a reusable water bottle.

  16. Also consider getting a bidet attachment for your bathroom. It will save trees as well as the time you would have spent searching for toilet paper!

  17. Got broken items around your house? Fix them instead of throwing them in the trash.

  18. Unsubscribe from junk mail.

  19. Go paperless with your billing.

  20. Check out books from your local library.

  21. Use digital tickets for future flights, movies, and other events.

  22. Read documents online instead of printing them.

  23. If you must print, use both sides of the paper.

  24. Use recycled paper whenever you can.

  25. Recycle old electronics.

  26. Take advantage of the many benefits of indoor plants.

  27. Support songbirds by installing a bird feeder in your yard or outdoor space.

  28. Want to take it a step further? Upcycle old materials into a bird house.

  29. Start a garden.

  30. Create edible landscaping.

  31. Swap the invasive plants in your yard with native species that support pollinators.

  32. If you have the time to maintain it, create a bee hotel.

  33. Feed the bees! Leave room in your lawn for flowering weeds like dandelions and clovers.

  34. Plant a tree.

  35. Cook at home more often.

  36. Compost your food waste.

  37. Create less waste in the first place by making a list before you go shopping.

  38. Switch to reusable bags. Keep them near your door or in your car so you don’t forget them.

  39. Reusable bags don’t stop at totes! Invest in a pack of small cotton or mesh bags for produce.

  40. Support local farmers whenever you can.

  41. Use reusable silicone bags for on-the-go snacks.

  42. Repurpose jars and other containers from your kitchen.

  43. When you can, purchase items in bulk to reduce packaging.

  44. Make your own cleaning products.

  45. Shop second-hand.

  46. Donate items that still have life left in them.

  47. If it’s too worn to donate, repurpose old shirts and cloths as cleaning rags.

  48. Shop eco-friendly brands.

  49. Buy local whenever you can. Download Ennis Y’all for a list of Ennis shops.

  50. Invite others to participate in these activities.