It’s not my litter!

I took a few days off from work this week. I wish I could say I spent the days lounging about sipping coffee and reading a good book. But, no, I didn’t. I did housework. I swept and mopped the floors, polished the furniture, cleaned the dust from the ceiling fans and vent covers, did dishes and laundry, scrubbed the bathroom, scrubbed the kitchen, sorted through the pile of receipts and mail that had accumulated on the kitchen table, and tracked down that odor coming my from teen son’s bedroom. It seems like most of my days off are spent the same way. I’m not complaining though. My son and husband built this house for me with their own hands. Being a good steward of it is just one of the ways I honor their hard work and the blessing that is my home. And let’s be honest, if I don’t clean it - it won’t be cleaned. Especially while Notme lives with us.

I’ve never actually met Notme. But it seems like every time something gets broken or dirtied at our house, Notme was the culprit. Who knocked the houseplant over and didn’t sweep up the soil? Notme. Who dirtied every single cup in the house and didn’t bother to wash them? Notme. Who drank all but the last sip of milk and put the gallon back in the fridge? Notme. Who’s turn is to empty the trash? Notme.

Several years ago when all the kids were still living at home, I came home to find that Notme had dropped a glob of pudding on the dining room floor. I don’t know why Notme didn’t clean it up. Disgusted and fed up, I decided that I absolutely was not cleaning it up. I made sure to point it out to every single family member every single time I saw someone walk passed it. And after several weeks of sweeping and mopping around a glob of pudding do you know what happened? I cleaned it up. Because if I didn’t do it, who would? And like it or not, that puddle of petrified pudding was a reflection on me as a mom and a wife.

It’s the same with litter in our community. It’s not MY litter. If you’re reading this, it’s probably not YOUR litter. But it is our community. Like it or not, trashy parks and streets are a reflection on all of us. And Notme is not going to clean it up. So how about if every time we see a piece of litter….. we just pick it up? Click here to check out or first video!